Bajorian Counsler
The Science Center on September 15, (Friday) from 10a.m.-5p.m. Uniform is mandatory
The Science Center on September 15, (Friday) from 10a.m.-5p.m. Uniform is mandatory
ANY Star Trek Uniform is mandatory
ANY Star Trek Uniform is mandatory
Nov 3rd, 2018
from 10-4pm
Description of
What We Do...
Privacy Policy consent form
Please review the USS Solstice Disclaimer and Data Protection Policy, Then complete the form below by typing in your name & SCC number.
Then click in each box which authorize us to keep your name, address, DoB (date of birth), email, and telephone number by CHECKING off each box.
Please check the box for us to use your photograph on this or any social media, & website connected with STARFLEET,
If you DO NOT give your consent, Then select this box and you will be sent your orders and discharged from STARFLEET Fan Club. All of your information will be removed from our website and data base.
WHEN you are done PLEASE SUBMIT the form by "clicking" on the "SUBMT" button. This will be sent to your CO.
AS of right now this is an yearly requirement to remain in STARFLEET.